
The Nurse category on our porn site features adult videos of naughty and sexy nurses getting down and dirty. These videos include solo, lesbian, and hardcore sex scenes with nurses in uniforms and lingerie that will drive you wild. So, if you have a nurse fantasy or just love watching nurses getting naughty, this is the place to be!

Female Patients Play Doctor in the Rec Room
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The nurses leave for the day and rather than the doctor doing his rounds he relaxes on the couch. Meanwhile, in the recreation room two patients are entertaining themselves. When Jill reveals that she's reading an erotic book Terri becomes very aroused and they begin to rub on each other. Terri starts licking on Jill's neck and then works her way down to her nipples before moving on to suck on Jill's clit and labia. When Jill finally cums it's Terri's turn to have her pussy paid attention to. But the hottest part is when these two horny patients entangle their legs and stick their wet cunts together and start fucking each other. You can see their clits and labia sticking together as they gyrate.
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